Why “Say Dez!” ?
This is the “Say Dez!”® story…
While I was still working for “Sears Driver Training” I had the opportunity to teach James Tennant, an adult who never wished to drive until parenthood forced it upon himself.
At the time I met him he was, and still is, the program director of CFMU 93.3 FM radio station at McMaster University in Hamilton.
One thing led to another and jestingly I said that there should be a radio show about safe driving. Much to my surprise he agreed. Thus the idea of the radio show was born. The problem was what to name it.
My late wife Susan suggested the name “Say Dez!” because of the many years spent in my previous profession within the hospitality industry. People used to preface their questions to me with “Say Dez!”. Thus the name, tongue in cheek, was chosen and given to the radio show. She also designed the “Whizzer” logo as well.
The first show was on July 7th, 2000, and the last one was on September 7th, 2008. This was once a week on Sundays for one hour. Originally some people felt that the scope of the show may be too narrow and not sustainable. However it turned out to be a great and informative show. I went to auto shows and exhibitions where I talked to many many people in the industry, mostly about safety.
In 2006 I expanded and went commercial with a fifteen (15) minute show weekly on CHAM 820 AM in Hamilton.
The radio shows literally ruled my life.
After working for 10 years at Sears Driver Training, I opened my own driving school called “Say Dez!”® School of Safe Driving. The name was chosen because I was already a fixture under the “Say Dez!”® brand. It worked well and I had an excellent school.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, it was necessary to close the driving school.
I stayed active in the driving industry even when I worked at a job that had no connection to the driver training industry. My passion for safe driver training led me to become the president of the Driving Instructors’ Golden Horseshoe Association (D.I.G.H.A.). It was an enjoyable time and ended on January 1st, 2013 when the new president, Frank DeClara took over.
When the M.T.O. announced that the Beginner’s Driver Education (B.D.E.) curriculum was going to be revamped I enhanced the curriculum that I was teaching and submitted it to the M.T.O. for approval. Much to my joy the “Say Dez!”® B.D.E. curriculum was approved!
After my wife Susan passed away I met a wonderful lady, Donna. We were married in 2005 and enjoy a great marriage. If it was not for her encouragement I do not think that I would have written the B.D.E. curriculum.
Currently, I operate “Say Dez!” Safe Driving Consulting as a personal business. It gives me great pleasure and enjoyment.
For most people in the Hamilton area who know me outside of the driver training industry, I am known as “Say Dez!”. I attribute this to the radio show that allowed me to meet many people, and also introduced me to a fairly large listening audience. Life can be perfect if you work at it.
As of 2015-12-22, “Say Dez!” became a registered trademark, along with its logo known as the “Whizzer”.
Keep smiling, and enjoy life
Sincerely yours,
Dez Miklós
Dez Says
“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, then the lesson afterward.”
Defensive Driving Course (DDC-6)®
Canada Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course (DDC-6)®
The definition of Defensive Driving is: “Driving to prevent all types of traffic collisions despite the action of others around you.”
Three part collision prevention formula:
- Recognize the Hazard
- Understand the Defense
- Act in Time
The loss of workers due to traffic incidences seriously impedes the operation of any business. DDC-6 is designed to teach you, your employees and families how to avoid collisions. Defensive Driving Course® – Canada Safety Council (DDC-6)
The Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)® helps professional drivers improve their defensive driving techniques.
Through the use of visual aids and qualified instructors PDIC will show your drivers how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Classroom participation involves case studies and active discussion of real life situations, as well as identifying traffic hazards. Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)®
55 Alive Mature Driving® Course:
Renew Your Driving Skills for Today’s Traffic
“I’ve been driving for a long time. Why should I take a driving course now?”
To update your driving skills. Even if you haven’t been involved in a collision in 40 years, it may be time to review your driving skills. With aging, changes occur in hearing, vision, flexibility and reaction time. You can learn to adjust your skills to compensate for those changes. 55 Alive Mature Driving® Course – Canada Safety Council
Log Book Seminar:
Do your drivers fail to fill out the “Driver’s Daily Log” properly? Failure to fill the out the Logs properly may result in fines for your company and your driver.
Purpose Of Daily Vehicle Inspection
The purpose of daily vehicle inspection is to ensure the early identification of vehicle problems and defects before the vehicle is operated on the highway. Inspections prevent the operation of a vehicle with conditions that are likely to cause or contribute to the severity of an accident.
To help prevent any sanctions against your company’s operator carrier profile take advantage of the “Say Dez!” Driver’s Daily Log Seminar today. Driver’s Daily Log