MTO Booking Information
Road Test Booking Rules
All road tests must be paid in full at the time of booking. You will lose your prepaid road test fee if:- You fail to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.
- You fail to attend your road test.
- You cannot proceed with your road test, or your vehicle does not meet the Ministry of Transportation standards for a road test.

Road Test Booking
To make an online road test booking, it will be necessary to leave the DriveTest site and enter the Ontario Ministry of Transportation site by clicking below. Please be patient. It is suggested that you arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment in order to initiate all processing (i.e. road test fee payment) before the scheduled time of the road test in order to avoid receiving a $25.00 ‘fail to keep appointment fee’ as a result of being late. Road test appointments must be canceled at least 48 hours before the scheduled date and time of the test; otherwise, you will be charged a late cancellation fee of $25.00 and will be responsible to pay the required fee before being able to book another road test. Please note for all novice class license holders: Novice class applicants are no longer eligible to book a road test after the date of license expiry and are required to re-commence the graduated licensing process. Please be aware that tests booked in contravention of this policy will not be facilitated and unused appointment fees may be invoked. Applicants may continue to book a road test prior to the date of their license expiry for utilization after expiry, however, if this test is canceled after the license expiry date, no further bookings may be made and the applicant is obliged to re-commence the graduated system. “DriveTest” does not accept responsibility for errors made by applicants when using the automated booking systems. Graduated Licensing System The Ontario Graduated Licensing System has been a resounding success in reducing death and injury among novice drivers. Ontario research shows that new teenage drivers are almost three times more likely to be involved in a fatal or serious collision when they are carrying teenage passengers. In fact, research shows the more teenage passengers, the higher the risk. To further protect youth on our roads:- The number of young passengers that teen G2 drivers can carry is limited from midnight to 5 a.m.
- Initially, G2 drivers 19 or under can carry only one passenger aged 19 or under.
- After the first six months, and until the G2 driver earns a full G license or turns 20, they can carry only three passengers aged 19 or under.
Defensive Driving Course (DDC-6)®
Canada Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course (DDC-6)®
The definition of Defensive Driving is: “Driving to prevent all types of traffic collisions despite the action of others around you.”
Three part collision prevention formula:
- Recognize the Hazard
- Understand the Defense
- Act in Time
The loss of workers due to traffic incidences seriously impedes the operation of any business. DDC-6 is designed to teach you, your employees and families how to avoid collisions. Defensive Driving Course® – Canada Safety Council (DDC-6)
The Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)® helps professional drivers improve their defensive driving techniques.
Through the use of visual aids and qualified instructors PDIC will show your drivers how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Classroom participation involves case studies and active discussion of real life situations, as well as identifying traffic hazards. Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)®
55 Alive Mature Driving® Course:
Renew Your Driving Skills for Today’s Traffic
“I’ve been driving for a long time. Why should I take a driving course now?”
To update your driving skills. Even if you haven’t been involved in a collision in 40 years, it may be time to review your driving skills. With aging, changes occur in hearing, vision, flexibility and reaction time. You can learn to adjust your skills to compensate for those changes. 55 Alive Mature Driving® Course – Canada Safety Council
Log Book Seminar:
Do your drivers fail to fill out the “Driver’s Daily Log” properly? Failure to fill the out the Logs properly may result in fines for your company and your driver.
Purpose Of Daily Vehicle Inspection
The purpose of daily vehicle inspection is to ensure the early identification of vehicle problems and defects before the vehicle is operated on the highway. Inspections prevent the operation of a vehicle with conditions that are likely to cause or contribute to the severity of an accident.
To help prevent any sanctions against your company’s operator carrier profile take advantage of the “Say Dez!” Driver’s Daily Log Seminar today. Driver’s Daily Log
Dez Says
“Doing something wrong for a long period of time gives it the appearance of being right? How is your driving?”