55 Alive Test
With people living longer and families having fewer children, seniors represent a growing share of the population.
There is a need to strike a satisfactory balance between the desire of an individual to continue to drive and public safety on the road.
As time goes by, the independence offered by having a vehicle may be jeopardized by deteriorating health, which can affect the ability of some seniors to drive. As well, roughly half of both male and female license holders aged 75 and over were taking three or more medications. The use of mediations may slow reaction time by that fraction of a second needed to avoid a collision.
Are you a potential threat to yourself and others on the road? Find out by taking the test. Perhaps you may find the answer to the nagging question about your driving.
This quiz is provided as a service of the AARP Driver Safety Program. Your results are neither recorded nor transmitted to any other entity or organization.
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