The Toronto Star, Wheels, Your View
RE.: Just one foot, please – Your View, March 6, 2010
What he forgot to mention is that following one of these two-foot drivers is like following a pinball machine: the brake lights are flashing on and off and, even when they are accelerating, the brake lights are still flashing on and off.
It is also a little confusing when they pull away at a green light and their brake lights are flashing.
Ross Klopp, Collingwood
I have to put my foot down! Dez Miklós may be talking with authority, but he can hardly generalize with a single incident of “pedal misapplication.”
Left-foot braking has been strongly endorsed by exPerts like Charles Goodman and Jim Kenzie. After more than 50 years of driving with both feet – transmission type notwithstanding – who am I to disagree with them?
The practice seems so natural and easily becomes second nature to a driver otherwise used to manual transmission.
Reaction time saved by left foot braking can be one or two-tenths of a second, which translates into three or six metres at 100 km/h, which seniors in particular could use to their advantage.
Even rally. car drivers use both feet
Armand Rodrigues, Toronto
More opinions on “Two-footed braking is not a good idea”.
RE.: Two-footed pedal user is safer than just one Your View March 27
The Toronto Star – Wheels – Your View
Saturday April 3, 2010
I have to disagree that a “two-foot” or “left-foot” braking is a good idea. In a panic situation, a driver is very likely to stamp down with both feet (on accelerator and brake pedals) as an involuntary reaction in order to brace for an impact.
Recently I took my Toyota Camry into the dealership, part of the recall, and they installed a brake interlock system which shuts down the fuel flow as soon as the brake is applied. This may be the answer to those who prefer to use both feet.
Delbert Hall, Innisfil
I don’t know if it has been shown scientifically that, when an emergency stop is required, a two-footed driver is more or less likely to press the wrong pedal than a one-footed one.
However, if you are a two-footed driver, don’t rest your left foot on the brake, even lightly, unless you plan to stop. You might be turning on the brake lights.
When I see someone ahead of me accelerating with the brake lights on, I know that I cannot trust those brake lights. That car effectively does not have brake lights any more. So I add a couple of seconds more between that car and mine, because the only way I can tell it is braking is when I am catching up faster than I expect.
P.A. Reid, Toronto