Nunatsiaq News
Letters to the Editor
With interest, I read a little blurb on a CBC North Web site that Coral Harbour and Chesterfield Inlet are facing an expensive by-election because of the predicament caused by James Arvaluk.
Why not save themselves a lot of money and appoint the person who was second in the original election?
Then, when the next election comes around, the real issue of who is fit to represent the area can be settled. Here in Ontario, a couple of municipalities did this when a member died, or resigned for health reasons. There was no protest from the public.
Perhaps, because of the costs, the Nunavut government should consider this step.
Dez Miklós, Hamilton, Ontario.
Editor’s note: The second-place finisher in Nanulik on Feb. 15, 1999, was Johnny Ningeongan, who took 125 votes. Arvaluk won the set with 156 votes.