Hamilton Spectator
Let citizens decide HSR logo
RE: Consultants propose name change for HSR (March14)
Perhaps $410,000 for a new HSR logo? Really? Use a Toronto firm for such a venture and having no faith in Hamilton based graphics companies? Really? Once again some of our city leaders are not thinking! If and when the LRT does come, we will have “street railway” in some form or another. Why change an historical logo using money which could be better used elsewhere?
If indeed there was/is a need for a logo change, could not the City of Hamilton have turned to the citizens of Hamilton by way of a contest asking what would they like to see as a new logo? Imagine the fun such a venture could have generated. The idea would have been home grown and more than likely approved by the general public. The lack of public input on the proposed name change reflects poorly on city council. Too bad.
Dez Miklós