RE.: Editorial cartoon (January 4, 2001)
The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor
Monday, January 8, 2001

Congratulations to Graeme MacKay of The Hamilton Spectator concerning the comparison of guns and cars in the hands of some people.

No doubt, you will get letters of indignation of “How could you have insulted seniors?”

I am very much in agreement with the hidden message of the cartoon. As our population is aging, the problem of senior drivers is becoming almost epidemic.

This is a very uncomfortable topic to discuss, because of fear of hurting the feelings of some people. Yet cars are like loaded guns when driven by some seniors.

I am a driver trainer and host of the “Say Dez!” show on CFMU 93.3 FM at McMaster University, where each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. for an hour I discuss “safe driving” with invited guests.

Recently, one of the show’s topics was “Senior Drivers.” It was recommended that any senior, who is experiencing difficulty with his or her driving, should seek professional help in analyzing their method of driving.

As expected, some listeners were offended, and others agreed.

The cartoon correctly points out that even good intentions can be dangerous. Please take heed.

If you are an example of a driver as portrayed by the cartoon, give up the car, too.

Dez Miklós, Hamilton