I’ve received a lot of sympathy and an excellent driving lesson
Special to ALT.SPEC
The Hamilton Spectator
Tuesday, January 9, 2001

I guess everyone pretty well knows the luck I’ve had with my driving tests. I’ve failed two of them trying to get my G2, and am hoping the third time will be a charm.

After the last time I failed in November, I got a lot of mail from people expressing their sympathies. Alas, there was no e-mail from the Ministry of Transportation offering me a complimentary license for being a semi-celebrity and a two-time failure.

Oh well.

Then out of the blue, Dez Miklós, a driving instructor offered to give me a complimentary lesson.

I accepted, and learned a bit more about driving from him. Miklós even has a radio show on CFMU (McMaster’s radio station) 93.3 FM on Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. called “Say Dez!”.

I urge anyone who is going through this grueling process – which the province of Ontario thinks is better than the old licensing system – to listen to his radio show.

Better yet, call him and see if you can get Miklós to teach you, he is fabulous. Well, don’t quote me on that, I haven’t passed my test yet.

Other readers just offered me their condolences.

One mother told me her daughter failed in Hamilton, but was able to pass in Burlington. She advised me to keep trying.

Another woman read of my first failure back in September, and when she heard my second test was in November, she couldn’t wait to read about me because that’s when her test was.

She called to say she was sorry I didn’t get it, but luckily she managed to. I also had a woman tell me how strong I was for dusting myself off and trying again so soon. She said after she failed, she wasn’t able to rebook for fear she might fail again.

One man, by the name of Rick Sims, who produced a video called “Passing the Drivers’ Test”, wrote me and sent me a copy of the video to check out.

Related article by Sarah Millar: Sarah’s drive to pass – Monday, February 20, 2001