Log Book Seminar
Do your drivers fail to fill out the “Driver’s Daily Log” properly?
Failure to fill the out the Logs properly may result in fines for your company and your driver.
Purpose Of Daily Vehicle Inspection
The purpose of daily vehicle inspection is to ensure the early identification of vehicle problems and defects before the vehicle is operated on the highway. Inspections prevent the operation of a vehicle with conditions that are likely to cause or contribute to the severity of an accident.
Enforcement and Penalties
Drivers and operators in violation of the hours-of-service regulations may be charged.
Violations of these regulations by a driver or the operator that result in convictions are included in the operator’s carrier profile. An accumulation of these convictions, solely or in combination with convictions for any other type of offence under the Highway Traffic Act, may result in the operator being identified for further monitoring and enforcement options.
Out-of-Service Declarations
Drivers on the road who cannot produce the requested records are subject to being placed out of service. Drivers driving beyond the hours-of-service limitations are subject to prohibition of driving by an officer, until such time that they have enough hours available to proceed.
Drivers may be placed out of service for 10 consecutive hours for violation of the daily driving and on-duty rules.
If a driver fails to comply with the off-duty time requirements, they may be placed out of service for the number of hours needed to correct the failure.
Drivers may be placed out of service for seventy two (72) consecutive hours for any of the following violations:
Driver is unable or refuses to produce his/her daily log.
There is evidence that the driver completed more than one daily log for the day, entered inaccurate information or falsified the daily log.
Driver mutilates or defaces a daily log or supporting documents in such a way that it cannot be determined whether the driver has followed the driving time and off-duty requirements.
To prevent any sanctions against your company’s operator carrier profile do take advantage of the “Say Dez!” Driver’s Daily Log Seminar.
How to Fill-In a Daily Log Book
Drivers of commercial vehicles must update their log books daily, and make sure to have the log book with them at all times while on-duty.
Most sections must be filled in before you leave on your trip. Your kilometres driven will be filled in at the end of your shift.
As a commercial vehicle driver, you must remember that your log book is a legal piece of document showing your daily work. Failing to complete a log book is an offence and will result in fines and license suspensions.
The first section in the daily Log Book requires information about your shift, your office, and your vehicle.
The second section is where you record your hours of service.
The last section (remarks) is where your enter down any shipping information and where you sign your name.
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Steps to filling out a Daily Log Book
1.) Enter the Month, Day and Year in the appropriate place.
2.) Enter your Carrier name and the Main/Principal Office address on the appropriate line(s).
3.) Enter the Truck License Plate number and the entire Unit number (optional) on the appropriate line. If you have a trailer, mark in the plate and the unit number for the trailer as well.
4.) Enter in the Starting Odometer before you begin driving.
5.) Print your name and sign your name in the appropriate places.
6.) The Time Grid is where you demonstrate the total number of hours you have spent Off-Duty, in a Sleeper Berth, Driving, and On-Duty (not driving). In this section, you will draw a line on the grid to show the number of hours you have spent doing each.
7.) In the Duty Status grid enter your Shift Start Time and the location where you start from.
8.) Along your trip enter all the stops and locations into the Duty Status grid. For example, you may mark here that you have taken a lunch break.
9.) Enter down the Ending Odometer when your drive is finished.
10.) When you finish driving, calculate the Total Kms Driven and enter it in the appropriate place!
11.) Enter Total Hours for Off-Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving, and On-Duty(not driving) in the column beside the Time Grid.
12.) On reverse side fill in other comments about your shift. For example, you will mark here that you have done your pre-trip inspection.
Copyright 2020, “Say Dez!”®
Dez Says
“It is hard enough driving sober. Do not drive drunk.”