Canadian Pro Drivers’ Newsletter
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Letter from Dez Miklós
(President, D.I.G.H.A.)
Driver Training Industry Stakeholders Group
Four Point Issue:
In a meeting held on Aug 26th, 2010, the Industry Stakeholders Group agreed unanimously, that there should be a better, alternative solution to the current regulation that would satisfy both the MTO and the Driver Training industry’s concerns.
Entry: To Become a Driving Instructor:
A candidate should not have more than three (3) demerit points on his/her driving record. This will allow many more, otherwise well qualified, candidates to enter the Industry in a more timely manner.
Exit: To Revoke a Driving Instructor’s Licence:
Automatic revocation would apply above six (6) demerit points
Intervention: Requirement for an Interview:
The threshold for intervention should be set at four (4) to six (6) demerit points. At this point, a Driving Instructor would get a letter from the MTO requiring an appearance in front of a Review Panel. The Panel would be able to take much more than just the demerit points into consideration, such as the offence(s) and the circumstances, before deciding upon the appropriate course of action. Recommendations could range from remediation to revocation. This would help to retain experienced, competent instructors who would otherwise be lost to the Industry without an opportunity for remediation.
Review Panel:
Preferably, the panel would comprise of a current MTO driver license reviewer, a member of the driver education industry and perhaps a member representing the general public.
Training Required:
Based upon the outcome of the interview and the diagnostic tools available, the review panel may require specific training or may recommend suspension or cancellation the Instructor’s License. Diagnostic tools are available, both
cognitive and dynamic, to assist the Panel in determining the type of remediation required. Training may consist of DIC, DDC or, up to and including, a full Driving Instructor Course. Training can be provided through currently approved schools that provide this service to the general public. If a Driving Instructor chooses not to go through the remedial process then he/she will lose their licence to teach in car and in class.
Role of the Parties:
MTO would track driving instructor demerit points through its current monitoring system. MTO may use the existing interview system in place for the general public or create a new panel. The Driving Instructor would be responsible for all costs required in the remedial process.
We appreciate and thank the Minister for allowing the stakeholders to present an alternative to the current regulation.
(Put your name and company here when you are submi
tting this letter to your MPP, and do not forget to date
this letter. Thank you.)
Dez Miklós
Driving Instructors’ Golden Horseshoe Association