by Dez Miklós | Jan 12, 2021 | News
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Politicians are more equal (Jan. 4) George Orwell was right on with his political story “Animal Farm”, it is alive and well in Canada. As the pigs, a.k.a politicians, gained authority, they painted the slogan “Some of us...
by Dez Miklós | Jan 12, 2021 | News
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: A rare but severe reaction to COVID shot (Jan. 4) Although this story is heart wrenching it gives the anti-vaxxers another reason to rant. At a time when vaccines are offering a new lease on life it was disappointing to...
by Dez Miklós | Dec 24, 2020 | News
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Photo-radar reduces speeding, so bring it on (Dec. 19) Excellent editorial! All errant drivers should laminate a copy of it and keep it in their vehicles as a reminder disregarding the speed limits is costly both in human... by Dez Miklós | Jun 16, 2019 | Published Articles
Hamilton Spectator Letter to the Editor Saturday 2019-06-15 Newly-paved road a disaster RE: Red Hill I had the displeasure of using the newly paved down-bound portion of the Red Hill Expressway. It is a disaster. In my normal day of work, I teach bus and truck driving... by Dez Miklós | May 9, 2019 | Published Articles
Hamilton Spectator letters to the editor RE: Possibility of higher speed limits on highways It is bad enough that many drivers cannot drive properly at the presently posted speed limits. What is going to happen when the speed are higher? The big problem is that many... by Dez Miklós | Apr 14, 2019 | Published Articles
Hamilton Spectator letters to the Editor Novel idea for LRT funding RE: LRT Two of your recent articles emphasized the following: The Ford government to allow Metrolinx to begin buying land along Hamilton’s LRT line again. But the city will need to look...