In the News
CWritten by Dez Miklós
Anyone who reads the Hamilton area newspapers and follows driving-related topics has probably read, at some point in time, an opinion piece signed by Dez (Desmond) Miklós.
That is because Dez has always kept a close eye on and responded to any article that deals with driving habits, licensing, traffic, automobiles and road safety. Plus he has also thrown in his two cents on local politics and environmental issues.
Over the years Dez Miklós has sent in hundreds of letters to the editors of The Hamilton Spectator, Toronto Star, CBC. He has also been interviewed and profiled in a couple of articles and on TV.
Ford lockdown too little too late
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Politicians are more equal (Jan. 4) George Orwell was right on with his political story “Animal Farm”, it is alive and well in Canada. As the pigs, a.k.a politicians, gained authority, they painted the slogan “Some of us...
Story shouldn’t have been on the front page
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: A rare but severe reaction to COVID shot (Jan. 4) Although this story is heart wrenching it gives the anti-vaxxers another reason to rant. At a time when vaccines are offering a new lease on life it was disappointing to...
They’re careless collisions, not accidents
LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Photo-radar reduces speeding, so bring it on (Dec. 19) Excellent editorial! All errant drivers should laminate a copy of it and keep it in their vehicles as a reminder disregarding the speed limits is costly both in human...
Newly-paved road a disaster – Saturday, June 15th, 2019
Hamilton Spectator Letter to the Editor Saturday 2019-06-15 Newly-paved road a disaster RE: Red Hill I had the displeasure of using the newly paved down-bound portion of the Red Hill Expressway. It is a disaster. In my normal day of work, I teach bus and truck driving...
Higher speed limits, a terrible idea – May 6, 2019
Hamilton Spectator letters to the editor RE: Possibility of higher speed limits on highways It is bad enough that many drivers cannot drive properly at the presently posted speed limits. What is going to happen when the speed are higher? The big problem is that many...
Novel idea for LRT funding – April 11th, 2019
Hamilton Spectator letters to the Editor Novel idea for LRT funding RE: LRT Two of your recent articles emphasized the following: The Ford government to allow Metrolinx to begin buying land along Hamilton's LRT line again. But the city will need to look elsewhere for...
How to survive the curves? -Tuesday, August 8th, 2017
How to survive the curves? Just slow down RE: Another reason for accidents on the parkway (July 26) I admire Bill Watts' observation about the unforeseen centrifugal forces on the vehicles using the Red Hill and the Linc. However, prudence is sorely lacking by many...
Trump is just a reflection of Americans – Friday, January 27th, 2017
Hamilton Spectator Friday,January 27, 2017 RE: Locals marching against Trump in D.C. (Jan. 18 2017) It is useless protesting against Trump. He is the mirror of America as he reflects the hidden attitudes that were alway present, but not acknowledged by people. Trump...
Parkways should be owned by the province – Thursday, October 6th, 2016
RE: $61M plan to widen "Linc", Red Hill won't ease gridlock (Sept. 29) Hamilton Spectator What if the City of Hamilton banned big rigs off the Linc and the Red Hill? Of course, such a thing will not happen. Right now many trucks use the two parkways to cut out the...
Do a dry run on LRT route, then decide if we want it – Thursday, May 12th, 2016
Hamilton Community News (Ancaster News, Dundas Star News, Mountain News & Stoney Creek News As we read more and more news about the LRT, a lot of uncertainties are coming to the attention of the general public. For the lure of the money offered by the Province of...
Let citizens decide HSR logo – Saturday, March 19th, 2016
Hamilton Spectator Let citizens decide HSR logo RE: Consultants propose name change for HSR (March14) Perhaps $410,000 for a new HSR logo? Really? Use a Toronto firm for such a venture and having no faith in Hamilton based graphics companies? Really? Once again some...
How about we license all pets? – Saturday, February 13th, 2016
Hamilton Spectator How about we license all pets? RE Dog licensing and cat inequity (Feb. 5) Letter writer D. McRae of Ancaster has an interesting point about going door-to-door to find cats. Good idea but let us take it a step further. Instead of having dog and cat...
Uber is a lot like rogue beginners driving schools – Thursday, August 13, 2015
(Hamilton) Mountain News As the Insurance Bureau of Canada suggests, drivers should make sure their insurance policies to cover their vehicles for commercial use, as if there is a serious collision the claim will be denied. This brings up the similarity between Uber...
Mac traffic study an eye opener – Monday, June 16th, 2015
Hamilton Spectator Re.: Cut speed limits on Locke, James, Ottawa: Mac study (June 13) I am curious if our city's mayor and councillors will read the McMaster Institute for Transportation Logistics study"Shaping Hamilton with Complete Streets". The short version as...
Historic for wrong reasons – Thursday, May 28th, 2015
Hamilton Spectator Historic for the wrong reason Yes, the LRT announcement will become historic in the annals of Hamilton. Why? The amount monies needed to support the infrastructure after the construction is finished will mount and mount. This exercise is nothing but...
Action needed to protect parkway users – Friday, May 22nd, 2015
Action needed to protect parkway users Hamilton Spectator Parkway drivers are the biggest threat of all (Editorial, May 14) A very astute observation that the drivers themselves are their own worst enemies when driving on the Red Hill Valley Parkway. Ever since the...
Do the archiving here in Hamilton – Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 Do the archiving here in Hamilton Hamilton Spectator Canada's records Library and Archives Canada doesn't know which departmental records should be disposed of or archived. And there is a backlog of 98,000 boxes of material waiting to...
Driving a privilege, not a right – Tuesday, November 4th, 2014
Driving a privilege, not a right Hamilton Spectator 2014 . 11 . 04 As we age, and hopefully mature, we commonly undergo health checkups. These exams remind everyone of such physical traits as the strength of arms or the flexibility of legs. Many times we know...
It’s time for a barrier along the Linc – Monday, October 27th, 2014
It’s time for a barrier along the Linc Hamilton Spectator 2014 . 10 . 27 This tragic event of two people getting killed while injuring another person brings up a very serious question. Is it not time to place a full length median barricade along the "Linc"? This is...
Why “Say Dez!” ?
This is the “Say Dez!”® story... While I was still working for “Sears Driver Training” I had the opportunity to teach James Tennant, an adult who never wished to drive until parenthood forced it upon himself. At the time I met him he was, and still is, the program...
Maybe U.S. doesn’t need our oil – Friday, July 11th, 2014
Hamilton Spectator, Opinion page Maybe U.S. doesn’t need our oil The truth is finally out, though it was hidden in a very small article among the Saturday Business section items. The U.S. is now the world's biggest oil producer. Perhaps that explains why Enbridge...
Log Book Seminar
Do your drivers fail to fill out the "Driver's Daily Log" properly? Failure to fill the out the Logs properly may result in fines for your company and your driver. Purpose Of Daily Vehicle Inspection The purpose of daily vehicle inspection is to ensure the early...
A solution to expat dilemma – Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The Toronto Star, Opinions and Letters A solution to expat dilemma Re: Judge reserves decision on expats’ voting right, June 21 Canadian citizenship comes with great benefits — universal health care, Old Age Security and Canada Pension to name a few. Therefore with...
MTO Booking Information
Road Test Booking Rules All road tests must be paid in full at the time of booking. You will lose your prepaid road test fee if: You fail to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. You fail to attend your road test. You will lose 50% of your prepaid...
Where do you get right to steal shopping cart? – Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Hamilton Mountain News Letter to the Editor This letter is addressed to those people who do not drive. The problem? The abandoned shopping carts that are littering our streets. They are an eyesore that plagues our community. My job takes me all over the city where...
Defensive Driver Training and Driver Improvement Courses Code # Type of course Duration Price DDC - NY Defensive Driving Course for New York State 4 hrs classroom only $150 DDC Defensive Driving Course ® 5 hrs classroom plus 2 hrs in your car $275 DDC...
2005 Road Safety Achievement Awards On March 6, 2006, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation organized a ceremony for the annual Road Safety Achievement Awards in one of the downtown hotels in Toronto. Dez Miklos of the "Say Dez!" Safe Driving Consulting was nominated...
Links & Resources
Ministry of Transportation Ontario - Driver Licensing Canada Safety Council Insurance Bureau of Canada Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Canada Ontario Community Council on Impaired Driving Game On Entertainment Services - Top...
55 Alive Test
This quiz is provided as a service of the AARP Driver Safety Program. Your results are neither recorded nor transmitted to any other entity or organization. Copyright 1995-2003, AARP. All rights reserved.
Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)®
by Canada Safety Council The PDIC® program is recommended to those who need it for corporate driving improvement. It may also be used as a court-ordered driver re-education. a.k.a. "Traffic School" It is an indisputable fact that almost every crash involving a motor...
Defensive Driving Course® – Canada Safety Council (DDC-6)
The DDC-6® program is also recommended for those who must attend court-ordered driver re-education. a.k.a. "Traffic School". The definition of Defensive Driving is: "Driving to prevent all types of traffic collisions despite the action of others around you." The...
Cours de Conduite pour Débutants (CCD) “Dites – Dez !” approuvé par le M.T.O.
»Exemple d’un module»Exemple d’une présentation PowerPoint ou PDF»Lien de la page d’accueil en français Le programme d’enseignement « Say Dez ! » est approuvé par le M.T.O. et il comprend les éléments suivants : Vingt (20) heures de séances théoriques en salle de...
“Say Dez!”® M.T.O. approved Beginner’s Driver Education (B.D.E.) Curriculum
»Module Example»Powerpoint Presentation Example»"Home Link" The M.T.O. approved Beginners Driver Education Curriculum (B.D.E.) Curriculum by "Say Dez!"® consists of the following: 20 hours of classroom training of eight (8) modules of 2 1/2 hours each, 10 hours of...
Contact Dez
"Say Dez!"® Safe Driving Consulting Mailing address: 208 - 11 Woodman Drive South, Hamilton, OntarioL8K 4E3 Website: Phone: 905.379.9339 Fax: If you have something to fax, please scan it, save it as a PDF file and then send it as an attachment by email....
In the News
Anyone who reads the Hamilton area newspapers and follows driving-related topics has probably read, at some point in time, an opinion piece signed by Dez (Desmond) Miklós. That is because Dez has always kept a close eye on and responded to any article that deals with...
“Say Dez!” on the radio
On September 7th, 2008 the "Say Dez!" show aired its last broadcast after nine years on McMaster University's radio station CFMU 93.3 FM. Dez and his "Say Dez!" radio show has won several awards and has been nominated twice for the Ministry of Transportation's Road...
Get real, Lloyd. Fines are a necessity – Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Hamilton Spectator Letter to the Editor RE.: Caught red handed to the tune of $5 million; Cameras bringing in cash; more coming (May 22) Is Councillor Lloyd Ferguson kidding about public perception over fines for red-light runners? There is a wonderful Hungarian...
Two-way street conversion obsession makes no sense – Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Hamilton Mountain News Letter to the Editor The obsession of Hamilton City Council and interest groups about returning some of the major streets of Hamilton to a two-way system is puzzling. There are a couple of problems with this scenario. First of all, some...
Consider the true cost of LRT line in Hamilton – Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hamilton Mountain News Letter to the Editor With the calling of the Ontario Provincial election, the funding for the LRT in Hamilton remains sweet dreams. I hope that the pursuit of this white elephant is going to be abandoned. Even if there would be 100-per-cent...
Traffic circles are safe if used properly – Thursday, October 31, 2013
Hamilton Mountain News Thursday, October 31, 2013re: Roundabouts not necessarily safer (Oct. 24) As a driver trainer I am always dismayed when people vigorously oppose traffic circles or roundabouts, and I wonder if these critics ever took the time to learn how to...
About Dez
Dez Miklós has been in the driver education field since 1992. He was certified by the Ontario Safety League as a Driving School Classroom Instructor and as an In-Car Driving Instructor. Furthermore, he is also registered as an Instructor of Defensive Driving Courses...
Driver Training Industry Stakeholders Group – Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Canadian Pro Drivers' NewsletterWednesday, June 1, 2011Letter from Dez Miklós(President, D.I.G.H.A.)Driver Training Industry Stakeholders GroupFour Point Issue:In a meeting held on Aug 26th, 2010, the Industry Stakeholders Group agreed ...
Proof that’s needed for lower insurance – Saturday, October 2, 2010
Toronto Star Wheels - Your ViewThere is a lack of correct information about the certification of student drivers who have taken a Beginners Driver Education (BDE) course in Ontario. Sept. 1, 2008, was the first electronic certification. There was no paper...
Four different opinions on two-footed driving – Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Toronto Star, Wheels, Your View RE.: Just one foot, please - Your View, March 6, 2010 ================================== I read with interest the letter from Dez Miklós about the problem with drivers who drive with one foot on the brake and the other on the...
Just one foot, please – Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Toronto Star,Wheels, Your View Oops! This driver used both feet to control the pedals of his automatic. As a driver trainer, I always feel uneasy when I teach senior males. Some of them have an awfully bad habit of driving an automatic transmission with two feet:...
Taggers should clean up downtown graffiti – Monday, February 25, 2008
RE.: Graffiti spree pair hit with charges (February 20, 2008) Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the editor I am pleased that the police caught and charged the man and the woman who apparently went on a graffiti spree downtown Hamilton. I hope when the case is judged the...
Driving instructors must set example – Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Re: 'Driving instructors hit back' (January 7, 2008)The Hamilton Spectator I take exception to Gurdip Atwal and Dez Miklós calling the new requirements for driving instructors "draconian." I am a professional driver. I am not a driving instructor. I drive a...
Driving instructors hit back – Monday, January 7, 2008
The Hamilton Spectator Monday, January 7, 2008 Rachel De Lazzer Leaders in the driving instruction business met in Hamilton Saturday to respond to a critical auditor general's report. The result was the drafting of a media letter outlining their case. "We care about...
Careless motorists need signs to alert of crosswalks – Friday, September 21, 2007
RE.: "Pedestrian lights potential safety hazard"Mountain News (Hamilton), Letters to the Editor I agree with Mr. Rutlidge totally. I visited him and viewed the corner in question. Perhaps Hamilton should do as several of the communities toward Niagara Falls have. Here...
Racing Bits and Pieces – Friday, June 8, 2007
The Hamilton Spectator Friday, June 8, 2007 Tim Miller Hamilton’s Dez Miklòs, who hosts an auto-related radio show on McMaster University’s CFMU, was nominated for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s recent award for Media Excellence in Road Safety. He didn’t...
Collect the $75-million cost of expressway by using limited tolls – Tuesday, January 30, 2007
RE.: 'Tory Cash Deal Best For City' (January 15, 2007)The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the editor Mayor Fred Eisenberg is correct in wanting to give up the $75 million lawsuit against the federal government. The time spent on this matter is costly. It is better not...
Safe driving cannot be legislated – Saturday, October 21, 2006
RE.: 'Everyone Wins with Flynn’s Bill' (Editorial, October 14, 2006)The Hamilton Spectator, Saturday, October 21, 2006 I interviewed MPP John O'Toole prior to the second reading of his bill, and more recently I interviewed MPP Kevin Flynn. Indeed...
Sudden Detour – Saturday, August 13th, 2005
Hamilton Spectator - Local NewsSaturday, August 13, 2005 SUDDEN DETOUR: An ironic spot to park Photo by Sheryl Nadler, The Hamilton Spectator There was no loss of life or serious injuries yesterday after an elderly couple's van careened into the front window of the...
Do speed limits need to be raised? – Friday, July 22, 2005
Mountain News - Community Voices Friday, July 22, 2005 Not so for the following reasons: First and foremost! Road safety is a health issue. It should be handled by the Ontario Ministry of Health who has a vested interest in reducing the tremendous cost of health...
If not Copps Coliseum how about Copps Square? – Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor RE: 'Copps Coliseum name up for sale' (April25) I wonder if this move is a reflection on the ineffectiveness of city council in running our city? Is it lack of vision about the heritage of Hamilton? However, I feel if to...
Driver fatigue the silent killer on highways – Friday, December 24, 2004
GUEST COLUMNStoney Creek News, Ancaster News, Hamilton News, Mountain News Friday, December 24, 2004 No this is not a review of Stanley Kubrick's movie. A vehicle with a lone driver in the middle of the night runs off the road. The driver does not survive. A family...
Some people might be pressed to name 10 great Canadians – Friday, November 5, 2004
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor I have been reading, with great amusement, letters to the editors in several of the major newspapers in our area about the CBC's top 10 Canadians poll. Most of the complaints are against the CBC for allowing such a "travesty"...
Just use shuttle buses – Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor RE: 'Bridges may aid races' (July 28). I am glad to see an apparent consensus regarding temporary bridges during the world cycling championships in October. But let's not even contemplate Bailey bridges for cars. That's a...
Second-place finisher should be appointed in Nanulik – Friday, June 27, 2003
Nunatsiaq News Letters to the Editor With interest, I read a little blurb on a CBC North Web site that Coral Harbour and Chesterfield Inlet are facing an expensive by-election because of the predicament caused by James Arvaluk. Why not save themselves a lot of money...
Start impounding cars – Thursday, June 19, 2003
RE.: 'Photo radar might allow higher speeds' (June 17, 2003)The Hamilton Spectator Thursday, June 19, 2003 As a driving school owner/operator, I find it scary when anyone advocates raising speed limits. Humans do not have the ability to respond quickly enough to...
Take time to look around properly at stop signs – Saturday, June 7, 2003
RE.: 'Full stops often don't make sense' (May 31, 2003)Toronto Star, Wheels, Your Opinion Saturday, June 7, 2003 As a driver trainer, and as a broadcaster who preaches safety at all times, I must remind people they are inviting disaster if they believe that a full...
Student drivers must get plenty of practice – Saturday, April 26, 2003
RE.: 'Learning to drive now a costly venture' (April 19, 2003)The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor Saturday, April 26, 2003 As a driving school owner/operator, I know learning to drive is a costly venture. But driving is a privilege, not a right. And it is...
Test a free 407 for a month – Saturday, September 14, 2002
RE.: Mid-peninsula highway 'Burlington to province: rework highway plans' (September 11, 2002)The Hamilton Spectator, I wish I could have attended the meeting in Burlington where the crowd was told about the city's analysis of the provincial study of the need for a...
Put a deposit on all containers – Wednesday, August 22, 2002
RE.: We're burying a lot of bottled water (August 12, 2002) Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor This letter writer is right on the button about wasting water. It is a shame that, in our "throwaway" society, we are not thinking about the future. Perhaps a refund...
Buffalo Sabres, Time NHL look to Hamilton – Thursday – June 27, 2002
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Sports Editor RE.: NHL takes over Sabres - June 21 With somewhat of a wry smile I read this item. Remarkable that a NHL club could get itself so deeply into debt, which is greater than the dollar value of the club. Amazing. This...
Too many drivers just plain awful – Saturday, April 13, 2002
RE.: 'Photo radar could allow higher speeds' (April 10, 2002)The Hamilton Spectator, Opinion Saturday, April 13, 2002 As a driver trainer I am glad that the idea of raising speed limits is a "nonstarter" in the view of the OPP and Queen's Park. Proponents of...
New boost to Concession Street, as shops open – Thursday, March 21, 2002
"Nine new businesses have set up shop in the past six months"By MARK NEWMAN (Staff writer)Mountain News, Hamilton Thursday, March 21, 2002 While some stores have closed and others are haggling with their landlords over rental fees, the general business climate appears...
Bad drivers – Psychological tests needed – Wednesday, February 13, 2002
RE.: 'It's too easy to get a driver's license' (February 7, 2002)The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor As a driver trainer, I appreciate this letter writer's frustration. But, while there are flaws with the current graduated licensing system, it is the best...
A short letter to say thank you – Sunday, November 4, 2001
The Toronto Star - Letters to the Editor - Letter of the day RE.: Simply clear and concise, by design, by Judy Steed, @ BIZ, Oct. 29. Perhaps the article should be mandatory reading in all English classes. The story reminds me of my high school English teacher who...
Keep smiling, Canada – Saturday, October 13, 2001
Toronto Star Saturday, October 13, 2001 Your cartoon of October 8th, 2001 was probably one of the most profound ever to appear in The Star. Wholeheartedly I agree with Theo Moudakis' sentiment. My family chose Canada when we were political refugees. I cannot say it...
Want your name on a bus? – Tuesday, April 17, 2001
RE.: 'City staff want to sell right to rename Copps Coliseum' (April 12, 2001) and 'Vic's name must remain' (April 14, 2001)The Hamilton Spectator, Opinion Tuesday, April 17, 2001 Yes, Victor Copps's name must remain on Copps Coliseum. I knew him when I was a...
Sarah’s drive to pass – Monday, February 20, 2001
She failed once, she failed twice, but third time's a happy charm.By SARAH MILLARSpecial to ALT.SPEC The Hamilton Spectator Monday, February 20, 2001 (Spec editorial assistant Sarah Millar, with the help of driving instructor Desmond Miklòs, passed her driver's road...
Fill in the blanks – Tuesday, January 16, 2001
The Toronto Star - Letter of the day RE.: The straight goods from the square, Jan. 10. This article indicated that there is a competition to determine the future of City Hall's open space. Fine and dandy. Once again, others will be telling the populace of Toronto what...
Failing driver’s test has its perks – Tuesday, January 9, 2001
I've received a lot of sympathy and an excellent driving lessonBy SARAH MILLARSpecial to ALT.SPEC The Hamilton Spectator Tuesday, January 9, 2001 I guess everyone pretty well knows the luck I've had with my driving tests. I've failed two of them trying to get my G2,...
Guns and cars equally dangerous – Monday, January 8, 2001
RE.: Editorial cartoon (January 4, 2001)The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor Monday, January 8, 2001 Congratulations to Graeme MacKay of The Hamilton Spectator concerning the comparison of guns and cars in the hands of some people. No doubt, you will get...
Slang term removed from B.C. place names – Monday, December 11, 2000
CBC News - Comments Reaction to a recent news story "Slang term removed from B.C. place names": Pardon my political incorrectness, but I always thought that the word "squaw" was of Indian origin. If I am not mistaken, it comes from the language of the Algonquians,...
Mayoral race – Friday, October 20, 2000
The Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor Downtown, GO are key issues RE: 'Questions set for mayoral candidates' (Oct. 17). Several issues should be on the front' burners of the mayoral candidates. An Oct. 17 letter to the editor, entitled, "People need reason...
Recycle derelict properties – Monday, June 26, 2000
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor The New City of Hamilton RE: 'Tied vote on urban expansion' (June 14). Within Hamilton's current boundaries, there are many derelict properties already hooked up to municipal water and sewers. They are also in areas of paved...
Kenzie right on airbags – Saturday, June 3, 2000
The Toronto Star - Wheels -Your view RE.: Too much hot air blown over airbag safety: Focus should be on proper use of seat belts, by Jim Kenzie (Carte Blanche, April 8, 2000). At times, I find Kenzie very irritating and self-righteous. However, this time I must...
Well-worn car is like a favorite pair of shoes – Thursday, March 23, 2000
By MARY K. NOLANThe Hamilton Spectator Thursday, March 23, 2000 (Desmond Miklòs is close to turning over a half-million kilometres on his 1993 Chevy Cavalier. Photo by Ted Brelisford, The Spectator)Car rental agencies know it. Auto leasing firms, taxi drivers, parents...
Compromise shouldn’t neglect bay industries – Monday, January 10, 2000
Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor RE: 'Red Hill expressway would add to traffic woes' (Jan. 6). I am afraid that the observations and conclusions by writer Dorothy Turcotte are in contradiction. This fiasco about the Red Hill Creek Expressway has been going...
Move freeway farther east and end sandbox squabbles – Monday, August 30, 1999
The Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor RE: 'Red Hill: One more try' (Aug. 25). Enough is enough. Both the pro and con sides of this debate are squabbling like kids in a sandbox. Stop dragging this debate into the next century. The money spent on promulgating...
Boring highway puts drivers to sleep – Monday, August 23, 1999
RE.: 'Carnage Alley: killer highway or deadly drivers?' (August 8, 1999)Toronto Star, Letters to the Editor As a driver-trainer, I am surprised that common sense has not yet answered the "Why?" regarding the deadliness of the fabled section of Highway 401. The answer...
Lower core taxes first priority – Monday, July 27, 1998
RE.: 'More two-way roads for downtown' (July 21, 1998)The Hamilton Spectator, Letter of the Day Monday July 27, 1998 Smart Moves? I wonder if the study's participants were too steeped in the philosophy of the movie Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come."...
What about the trees cut down for homes? – Friday, April 25, 1997
RE.: 'Save 47,000 trees for Arbour Week' (April 25, 1997)The Hamilton Spectator Monday, May 5, 1997 I read with interest the concerns of Joe Minor as expressed in his article on the Forum page. I commend his efforts to bring attention to the future desecration of the...
Misleading figures – Monday, November 25, 1996
RE.: 'Teen driving deaths down' (November 7, 1996)The Hamilton Spectator, Forum Monday, November 25, 1996 As a driving instructor I found this article from Canadian Press very misleading. To quote the offending line: "The rate of accidents among 16-year-old drivers...
Charging fees will worsen problem of waste disposal – Monday, July 10, 1989
Charging fees will worsen problem of waste disposal Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor RE: 'Hamilton-area dumps charge for non-recyclable waste' (July 6). Here we go again. This situation is becoming like a dog chasing its own tail. When will Hamilton-Wentworth...