In the News

CWritten by Dez Miklós

Anyone who reads the Hamilton area newspapers and follows driving-related topics has probably read, at some point in time, an opinion piece signed by Dez (Desmond) Miklós.

That is because Dez has always kept a close eye on and responded to any article that deals with driving habits, licensing, traffic, automobiles and road safety. Plus he has also thrown in his two cents on local politics and environmental issues.

Over the years Dez Miklós has sent in hundreds of letters to the editors of The Hamilton Spectator, Toronto Star, CBC. He has also been interviewed and profiled in a couple of articles and on TV.

Ford lockdown too little too late

LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Politicians are more equal (Jan. 4) George Orwell was right on with his political story “Animal Farm”, it is alive and well in Canada. As the pigs, a.k.a politicians, gained authority, they painted the slogan “Some of us...

Story shouldn’t have been on the front page

LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: A rare but severe reaction to COVID shot (Jan. 4) Although this story is heart wrenching it gives the anti-vaxxers another reason to rant. At a time when vaccines are offering a new lease on life it was disappointing to...

They’re careless collisions, not accidents

LETTER TO THE EDITORThe Hamilton Spectator Re: Photo-radar reduces speeding, so bring it on (Dec. 19) Excellent editorial! All errant drivers should laminate a copy of it and keep it in their vehicles as a reminder disregarding the speed limits is costly both in human...

Why “Say Dez!” ?

This is the “Say Dez!”® story... While I was still working for “Sears Driver Training” I had the opportunity to teach James Tennant, an adult who never wished to drive until parenthood forced it upon himself. At the time I met him he was, and  still is, the program...

Log Book Seminar

Do your drivers fail to fill out the "Driver's Daily Log" properly? Failure to fill the out the Logs properly may result in fines for your company and your driver. Purpose Of Daily Vehicle Inspection The purpose of daily vehicle inspection is to ensure the early...

MTO Booking Information

Road Test Booking Rules All road tests must be paid in full at the time of booking. You will lose your prepaid road test fee if: You fail to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment. You fail to attend your road test.  You will lose 50% of your prepaid...


Defensive Driver Training and Driver Improvement Courses Code # Type of course Duration Price DDC - NY Defensive Driving Course for New York State  4 hrs classroom only $150 DDC Defensive Driving Course ®  5 hrs classroom plus               2 hrs in your car $275 DDC...


2005 Road Safety Achievement Awards On March 6, 2006, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation organized a ceremony for the annual Road Safety Achievement Awards in one of the downtown hotels in Toronto. Dez Miklos of the "Say Dez!" Safe Driving Consulting was nominated...

Links & Resources

Ministry of Transportation Ontario - Driver Licensing Canada Safety Council Insurance Bureau of Canada Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Canada Ontario Community Council on Impaired Driving Game On Entertainment Services - Top...

55 Alive Test

      This quiz is provided as a service of the AARP Driver Safety Program. Your results are neither recorded nor transmitted to any other entity or organization. Copyright 1995-2003, AARP. All rights reserved.

Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)®

by Canada Safety Council The PDIC® program is recommended to those who need it for corporate driving improvement. It may also be used as a court-ordered driver re-education. a.k.a. "Traffic School" It is an indisputable fact that almost every crash involving a motor...

Contact Dez

"Say Dez!"® Safe Driving Consulting Mailing address: 208 - 11 Woodman Drive South, Hamilton, OntarioL8K 4E3 Website: Phone: 905.379.9339 Fax: If you have something to fax, please scan it, save it as a PDF file and then send it as an attachment by email....

In the News

Anyone who reads the Hamilton area newspapers and follows driving-related topics has probably read, at some point in time, an opinion piece signed by Dez (Desmond) Miklós. That is because Dez has always kept a close eye on and responded to any article that deals with...

“Say Dez!” on the radio

On September 7th, 2008 the "Say Dez!" show aired its last broadcast after nine years on McMaster University's radio station CFMU 93.3 FM. Dez and his "Say Dez!" radio show has won several awards and has been nominated twice for the Ministry of Transportation's Road...

About Dez

Dez Miklós has been in the driver education field since 1992. He was certified by the Ontario Safety League as a Driving School Classroom Instructor and as an In-Car Driving Instructor.  Furthermore, he is also registered as an Instructor of Defensive Driving Courses...

Mayoral race – Friday, October 20, 2000

The Hamilton Spectator - Letters to the Editor Downtown, GO are key issues  RE: 'Questions set for mayoral candidates' (Oct. 17).  Several issues should be on the front' burners of the mayoral candidates. An Oct. 17 letter to the editor, entitled, "People need reason...