RE.: ‘It’s too easy to get a driver’s license’ (February 7, 2002)
The Hamilton Spectator, Letters to the Editor

As a driver trainer, I appreciate this letter writer’s frustration.

But, while there are flaws with the current graduated licensing system, it is the best compromise available to weed out bad would-be drivers.

Unfortunately, there is a test that should be, but cannot and will not be, administered to any potential new driver – a psychological examination to see if the candidate is emotionally fit to be a driver.

Several years ago, I read that researchers had estimated that as many as 80 per cent of all automobile collisions in Ontario could be attributed to drivers’ psychological quirks.

The article went on to say that making our public thoroughfares as safe as humanly possible encompasses the fields of law, education and public attitudes.

Not until society makes a broad and determined commitment to improve mass driving habits will the needless injury and loss of life cease.

It said that experts had concluded that the only real and lasting solution is to get it into peoples’ heads that driving is a skilled task, requiring constant care and concentration.

The core problem is uncivil behavior. The courtesy, consideration, patience, forbearance, tolerance and respect for human rights which go to make up civilization are disgracefully lacking in the traffic stream.

Dez Miklós, Hamilton